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Build {Cross-field / Transitive Validators} for {Reactive Forms} | Angular

Posted by Simar Paul Singh on 2018-05-07

Advantages of Reactive Forms over Template Driven Forms stem from the fact, controls are defined in Component programmatically and assigned to form and its inputs in Template declaratively

This makes adding controls dynamically with FormArray, reacting to events with RxJs, Unit testing sans Template all easier with code in component driving the logic, over html directives and /or pipes handling the same in template / dom.

However, there are aspects to form handling, in particular field validation and respective error messages that are more convenient in templates.

For example, if a field (email) is required only when field (phone) is not filled in, *ngIf can simply remove or attr.disabled can disable the unrequited field (email) from the DOM, and put it back as a required field based on the field (phone) value.

<form #ngForm="f" (ngSubmit)="f.valid && onSubmit(f)" novalidate>
    Phone <input name="phone" #ngModel="phone"   pattern="[0-9]{9}">
 <label> `*ngIf="phone.errors.pattern">
   Phone Number should be digits
   Email <input name="email" #ngModel="email">
 <label> `*ngIf="`phone?.value?.length || email.value?.length`">
   Email is required if phone number is not given
 <button type="submit'
  [disabled]="!f.valid || (!phone.value?.length && !email.value?.length)">Submit</button></pre>

In reactive form setup, having *ngIf ain’t going to do any good. The form controls in form group, controlling form’s fields are decoupled from template DOM by design.

In a reactive form setup even If an *ngIf disables a required input in template DOM, an event must be handled in component to instrument the FormGroup’s contol declared for this input.

So how can we do declarative style validations in Reactive Forms?

Built in Angular input validators

Angular has handful of built in validaitors we could use in our FormGroupBuilder to match the basic HTML 5 validators we use use in templates / DOM (required,minLength,maxLength,pattern,email ).

A special one compose: is used when more than one validation is needed for the same form field.

A limitation here is, there is no transitive / cross field validation built-in where state of one field effects the other. We need custom group level validators, which we can build in a reusable pattern.

How to Build reusable custom Cross-Field / Transitive validations

Checkout the full implementation by clicking [CodePen]

Let consider possible relationships between Field-1 with Field-2, there are 3 possible cases.

1. Field-1 is required only when Field-2 is given or vice-versa

2. Field-1 is not required when Field-2 is given or vice-versa

3. Either of Field-1 or Field-2 are required.

If Both fields are required, there isn’t any relationship, simply both are Validation.required at their respective field levels.

This is how we can build a reusable Custom validates for each of these cases.

class CustomValidators {

  static requiredWhen(requiredControlName, controlToCheckName) {  
    return (control: AbstractControl) => {  
      const required = control.get(requiredControlName);  
      const toCheck = control.get(controlToCheckName);  
      if (required.value || !toCheck.value) {  
        removeErrors(['required'], required);  
        return null;  
      const errorValue = `${requiredControlName}_Required_When_${controlToCheckName}`;  
      setErrors({required: errorValue}, required);  
      return {[errorValue]: true};  

  static requiredEither(requiredControlName, controlToCheckName) {
    return (control) => {  
      const required = control.get(requiredControlName);  
      const toCheck = control.get(controlToCheckName);  
      if (required.value || toCheck.value) {  
        removeErrors(['required'], required);  
        removeErrors(['required'], toCheck);  
        return null;  
      const errorValue = `${requiredControlName}_Required_Either_${controlToCheckName}`;  
      setErrors({required: errorValue}, required);  
      setErrors({required: errorValue}, toCheck);  
      return {[errorValue]: true};  

  static requiredWhenNot(requiredControlName, controlToCheckName) {
    return (control) => {  
      const required = control.get(requiredControlName);  
      const toCheck = control.get(controlToCheckName);  
      if (required.value || toCheck.value) {  
        removeErrors(['required'], required);  
        return null;  
      const errorValue = `${requiredControlName}_Required_When_Not_${controlToCheckName}`;  
      setErrors({required: errorValue}, required);  
      return  {[errorValue]: true};  


function setErrors(error: {[key: string]: any }, control: AbstractControl) {
  control.setErrors({...control.errors, ...error});  

function  removeErrors(keys: string[], control: AbstractControl) {
  const remainingErrors = keys.reduce((errors, key) => {  
    delete  errors[key];  
    return errors;  
  }, {...control.errors});  
  control.setErrors(Object.keys(remainingErrors).length > 0 ? remainingErrors : null);  

Use them declarively in your your FromBuilder group definations.

 class AppComponent implements OnInit  {

  registerForm: FormGroup;
  submitted = false;

  constructor(@Inject() private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}

  ngOnInit() {
        this.registerForm = this.formBuilder.group({  
            firstName: ['', Validators.required],  
            phone: ['', [Validators.pattern('[0-9]*')]],  
            email: ['', [ Validators.email]]  
          validator: [  
            CustomValidators.requiredEither('email', 'phone')  

    // convenience getter for easy access to form fields  
    get f() { return this.registerForm.controls; }  

    onSubmit() {  
        this.submitted = true;  

        // stop here if form is invalid  
        if (this.registerForm.invalid) {  
        alert(`Submitted -> ${JSON.stringify(this.registerForm.value)}`);  

Template just reacts to validation control

<form [formGroup]="registerForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
    Phone <input formControlName="phone">
 <div *ngIf="f.phone.errors" class="invalid-feedback">
    <div *ngIf="f.phone.errors.required">
     Phone number is required if email is not given.</div>
     <div *ngIf="f.phone.errors.pattern">
     Phone number must match pattern digits</div>
   Email <input formControlName="email">
 <div *ngIf="f.email.errors">
    <div *ngIf="f.email.errors.required">
    Email is required ({{f.email.errors.required}}).
    <div *ngIf="f.email.errors.email">
    Email must be a valid email address

 <button [disabled]="registerForm.invalid" type="submit">

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